Announcements KondutoKonduto Blog

Announcing our new Mobile SDK for in-app behaviour analysis

Por 12 de setembro de 2016 abril 23rd, 2018 Nenhum comentário


We are happy to launch today our new fraud solution for app-based businesses. We have seen the rise of m-commerce in the past years, going from a minor “nice-to-have” to a big “must-have” for merchants who want to capture and convert more sales. Mobile payments are a hot topic today and mobile fraud is right next to it. Up until now merchants who processed orders and payments directly from their app didn’t leverage our browsing navigation algorigthm, but no more!

With our new SDK you will be able to feed every step of the in-app purchase to our Machine Learning algorithm, as well as the traditional order data you send today. We are able to capture geolocation and device information to get a super accurate idea of that customer’s behavior and understand if it matches fraudulent patterns.

The SDK is available for iOS version 6 and up and Android 1 and up.

Get in touch with our sales team to learn more about:

Felipe Held

Autor Felipe Held

Maratonista, palmeirense, beatlemaníaco e enciclopédia de piadas do Chaves, Felipe foi Head de Comunicação e Marketing da Konduto entre outubro de 2015 e outubro de 2020. Jornalista pela Cásper Líbero e pós-graduado em marketing pela ESPM, trabalhou em redações esportivas de Gazeta, UOL e Terra antes de entrar para o mundo de prevenção à fraude. Já entrevistou Pelé, Maria Esther Bueno, Guga, Guardiola e Bernardinho, mas diz que os dias mais incríveis da carreira foi quando apresentou a duas primeiras edições do Fraud Day.

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